Well, I'm a little late with this letter to you, but I have a really good excuse. I was working out of town on the 23rd (and a few days after) without a computer and when I can home it was Halloween week! That's right...I said "week" because this Halloween thing is a big deal when you are a kid. As a child, Halloween lasted one night... you dress up, visit your neighbors, and bingbang suddenly your sack was filled with candy! But as your mama, I now realize it takes time...
I started months ago thinking of what the two of you could be for Halloween. We decided monkey costumes would be the perfect fit because, as of late, you have been "monkey see...monkey do". As soon as costumes came out I started scouring the stores for the monkey suits....but keep in mind that we need two. In the same size. And being the frugal mama that I am, I WILL NOT PAY FULL PRICE! As luck would have it I found the last two monkey costumes at BabyGap (on clearance, of course) and they were both in your size! It was meant to be!
Once the costume was out of the way I still had to help coordinate your class party (at which Jackson ate entirely too much food and need to unbutton his pants),
find time in the month the take you to the pumpkin patch to find that perfect pumpkin,
and take you to Boo at the Zoo!
Halloween has never been one of my favorite holidays, but watching you two laugh histerically at one another dressed as monkeys...that might just change my mind.
Mama Monkey