1. Sand follows you home as the tiniest reminder of memories.
2. My best friends are related to me.
3. Sleeping in the bed with my boys is both precious and painful.
4. Kids will poop on the beach. In. Their. Bathing Suit.
5. Seashells look different in a small 3 year old hand.
6. When even one person is missing, the beach house is too quiet.
7. Not having cell service is sometimes a blessing.
8. Dodgeball can be a contact sport and, according to Taylor, requires stretching.
9. A group of well-organized teenage girls can beat a group of well-jocked men. See number 8.
10. Rummicube is different without Nana.
11. Lollipops and jello are appropriate breakfast foods.
12. When served correctly, goldfish can be served as an appetizer.
13. Comfort sometimes comes just in seeing someone's face.
14. The grill was worth it...thanks guys.
15. Just when I think I know my family, we go back to Fripp and my eyes are opened.
16. Quite simply, love is family.